09 May 2008

Super Saturday my ass

Sears will never again see a single farthing from this household.

When we bought this place a while back... we decided to start out this latest chapter in our lives with a clean slate of new appliances. I'm actually a little embarrassed now at how much we spent.

Anyway, we decided to go big brand name, get our warranties and hey, no more worries.

Well, the shiny black dishwasher died a horrible death, the washing machine is on its way out... and we've already had to replace an element in the ceramic top stove.... to the tune of almost $200, I might add.

Anyway, another heating element has just blinked out of existence in the water heater. That was here when we bought, but it's also Sears. And it's not the first element to go kablooie... I've done this once already.

Now I realise you're gonna have occasional problems with stuff like this, but, to preface, I should mention that my father-in-law is still using the stove he got as a wedding present... 55 years ago.

So, anyway... I head off to the Sears parts depot and guess what... they can't get hold of one for a week.

Now, I can Purolater stuff in from other countries overnight... so I just don't get what's going on here. The only thing I can think of is... rather than do tepid showers for a week... they imagine I'm just gonna throw up my hands and buy another Kenmore water heater... thus enriching Sears yet again.

Sorry, Sears, I eventually found the element at a little local plumbing supply shop about 5 minutes down the road.

And that's the last time I'll bother you about this sort of thing.

I promise.

Oh yeah... the replacement for our fancy-ass shiny black dishwasher was a $200.00 single arm Moffat from Home Depot. If it lasts two years, I figure we're way ahead of the game.

Now, blogging may be a little light... I've gotta go fix a water heater.
